Thursday, January 19, 2012

When in Rome

When in Rome, Do as the Romans do.
When in Seattle, work in a Naturopathic Doctor's office. Do as the Seattleites do.
We won't live in Seattle forever, and I can almost guarantee I'll never get another opportunity to work with naturopaths if we spend the rest of our lives in the Midwest.... so I went for it!

I've been working 'away from the home' for 2 whole weeks now. This week we've had so much snow I haven't attempted to get across the bridge and over small neighborhood roads to Seattle's Fremont neighborhood.

Anyway, I've already learned a lot about how I'll refine my next nurse practitioner job search and the questions I'll ask during the interview process. Nonetheless, I am committed here for a year. I started out really discouraged because I had only seen 2 patients in 2 weeks (and I only get paid by the patients I see).. but I had coffee with a good friend "Danielle the dietitian" and she was really encouraging. She started her own business (building clientele, etc) 2.5 years ago.. and she really helped me to see how many opportunities I have at this clinic, and she gave me some marketing tips too. Thanks Danielle! 

To introduce myself to the patients, I wrote this Blog Post to explain a little bit about nurse practitioners and how they can fit in to naturopathic medicine.

Check out the website
Check out the blog
Check out the office door:

Like us on facebook! Naturopathic Family Medicine =)

I'll keep you updated!

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