29 weeks also seems like a big one for baby. It's growing rapidly now (wait, hasn't it been all along?). This week it weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. The muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and the head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain – which is busy developing billions of neurons. I wonder if my being in school during this pregnancy will have any impact on the development of the brain. Mama's brain is working x-tra hard, so does that transfer to Baby?
The skeleton is also hardening, so I have been really focusing on the calcium. Does is matter that it's in the form of cookies and milk?
I had a good visit with my OB this week. I love seeing her. She's so encouraging, and I just love knowing that everything is going well. My uterus is measuring 29cm. It should match up with the week of gestation, so bingo! We are a go. I also got my flu shot (and rhogam) so maybe it was the combo, but I was asleep by 7:30 on Thursday night. So much for getting some extra homework in... oops! Give your self some extra time for rest when you get this year's flu shot.
Also, MIKE IS HOME! He got home last night, and I could not be more thrilled. It's good timing too because our birthing classes are on Monday nights, and I might have had an emotional breakdown at birthing class last week. What's a preggo girl to do without her husband? It did make me eternally grateful, however, that I will have Mike by my side for the real event. I couldn't imagine it without him. I am tearing up writing this, so it's time to let you go.
Until next week when we transition to that big 3-0. We love and miss you! Heather, Mike, Baby/Owcy/little Tyke/ little nugget/blessing of our lives etc etc