Perhaps by the title you could guess this post is about Miss Millie, my little fish.
She favors the Wade side in sooo many ways,
and her affinity for water is another trait to add to the 'Wade' list.
(Mike swam competitively in high school).
This is day number one on the beach. We sat her down in the sand, and she charged the water. Charged it. Waves hitting her on the chest and she's still moving forward.
Took a little moment to enjoy the view.
Additional senses needed. mmm salty.
It does hurt your knees to crawl on the sand, so she crab walked instead.
She did love taking toys from Owen while in the sand.....
...but it sure was windy down there. When you're just a little guy the sand gets in your eyes.
Better stick to the water.
Can't get enough of her little ears and ruffle butt in this suit!
Daddy take me back! To the waves!
The landscape of Fripp's beaches was unique. The low tide was veeerrryyyyyy low which was perfect for a 1ft tall munchkin charging waves. The high tide was high but the waves never really crashed, so it's a great beach for little kids. We lucked out!
After beach time Millie had exceptionally long naps and lots of snuggles.
This was a vacation highlight for me =)
And we obviously had lots of pool play time, too.
My little crab walker in her crab sear sucker. For some reason I just love her in not pastel pink...
this color pallet suits her I think =)
Mike and I talk a lot about how we would rather spend money on experiences for our kids. Experiences over a bigger house, bigger & more toys, expensive clothes, etc. After seeing her little personality bloom while experiencing 'the beach', it solidifies our desires for our kids. Can't wait to watch her explore even more!
Miss Millie is so adorable! Miss you and hope to see you soon! XOXO