The highlight of September, of course, was our trip with the Cooper clan to Fripp Island, SC. The driving time to Fripp (just north of Hilton Head) is 14hr and 10 minutes of actual driving time. Obviously with an 11mo and potty training two year old we had lots of stops, but the drive was actually enjoyable. We didn't even have to pull out the iPad.
Owen and Miss Claire made a list of things to bring to the beach. He obviously wanted to bring lots of cars, some trucks, oh and his family, too.

Owen has always loved to be in the car, and this trip was no exception. He literally watched for fuel tankers, bulldozers, car stacking trucks, mustangs, and any other vehicle that may be interesting....for hours. He also did lots of coloring, some sleeping, and lots of eating. Amelia, as you might imagine, was a bit more difficult in the car. She didn't sleep well, but she did eat an entire box of Kix. She was also decently entertained by books, and of course, more Kix.
Our first stop was in Metropolis, IL. Home of Superman. We were SO excited to go to the beach!
A little stretching of the legs.
Super Man and Super Woman....
At last we arrived! Here's the house we all stayed in. Mima & Papa Cooper, the 4 of us, and
Uncle Steven. Uncle Ryan couldn't come because he wasn't able to get off work.
We were so sad. This house had rooms enough for all of us, a huge kitchen table,
a beach view, a pool, a screened in porch. Perfect for the combo of people staying there.
View from the front porch. You can't see it here, but I should tell you that
the texture of this sand is like 'powdered sugar' as Mima says.
It's so soft, and the low tide is very low. Perfect for kiddies.
The main method of travel around the island is the golf cart.
You drive on to the island in your huge SUV and then you let it sit for the week.
We loved the golf cart... it definitely adds to the vacation feel.
This was our favorite house on the island. Look at all of those beautiful porches!
Another very cool feature of Fripp is that it's a nature reserve.
There are literally animals everywhere.
These deer were all over the front yard at sun down and sun up. They are not afraid of humans, either... this one walked right up to the golf cart!
Fripp Island also has 'save the turtle' campaigns. The loggerhead turtle returns to
Fripp to lay eggs on the beach, and support groups help the 'runts'
of the litter get to the ocean. How cute is this little guy?
This nest had 109 eggs. You can see about 9 eggs on the right that haven't
hatched. These ladies rescued about 12 'runts' took them
out of the nest, let them exercise their flippers for a but and then
carried them to the ocean. It totally beautiful.
This alligator was on the golf course when the guys were playing.
Sometimes a nature reserve can be a little scary! Glad I wasn't playing golf.....
I know seagulls are actually like rats, but aren't they beautiful when flying in formation?
Don't worry... this is far from my last post about Fripp, but I thought
I would break it down in to several so that it didn't get too long.
Next up...the kiddies in the sand and water. They were a total blast.
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