Owen is finally old enough to 'get' hunting for eggs... at least a little bit. It always fascinates me, too, how different activities really show your child's personality. We all know O is energetic, confident, and fairly laid back, but egg hunting really showed that he's not (yet) super competitive. He really didn't care about the number of eggs. He just wanted the goods inside. He would give each egg a good shake, and if it lacked in good-egg-noises, he'd simply place it back on the ground. I found myself wanting him to run and pick up as many as he could... also shows my personality. But I really enjoyed watching him do it in his own "O-style".
Pre-Egg hunt, exploring the play ground.
He also wanted to just run and run in the fields of eggs. Again, he didn't really care about the eggs themselves!
Love this kid. Too bad he had to bundle up for an egg hunt the week before Easter.
He was pretty excited about the bunny, though!
But too shy to look up!
Giving it a good shake.
What is this deliciousness?
Mouth full!
Millie and I enjoyed our bonding time, too.
Here's a picture of his basket at the end of the hunt at Mima and Papa Wade's church.
Not too many eggs, but they are all open & most of the candy was consumed!
Next year, I think it would be hilarious if he shook, emptied and then put back the eggs. He's a smart one!!