Monday, November 2, 2015

Macy 3, 4, & 5 months: Rolling Rock

Well here we are at 5 months catching up on the last few months... but alas, our little girl is just transforming by the day. I best get going on her goings on. 

I went back to work when Miss Macy was 2.5 months, and that first month of being back at work without her was brutal. She was well cared for by the best of caregivers (both Mimas), but her nights were sort of horrendous (or so I remember through a foggy haze!). She was still up every 2 hours back then, but she made up for it in the day with her delightful disposition. She n.e.v.e.r cries. Instead she just smiles, giggles, coos and goos. She had her first vacation/trip to 'the lake', and she was quite the trooper in the car, on the boat, at the swimming pool. Love this flexible baby!

She was all dressed up here for a little shopping date with mommy!

Matching sisters at church!

Our little mover and shaker started to roll from from front to back early on in month 3.

My heart.

She worked all month long to get this octopus, and finally she did! You can tell she's proud. 
She loves this little play mat (even still!)

Caught her mid-kick here! Super excited to be 3 months! August 23, 2015.

At four months she continued to roll along. 
She weighed in at 12lb 14oz (25%) and is 24.25 inches long (25-50%).

No matter how old she gets, I'll always love to watch her sleep.
She's my only child to have ever fallen asleep at a Cardinal game.
Again, I LOVE how flexible and easy she is in so many settings!

Little Angel.

She is so so loved by her big brother and sister who share very well!

God really treated us to a special gift by adding this sweet girl to our family! Happy 4 months Macy! September 23, 2015.
We baptized her in September (separate post coming soon). 

Macy's 5th month has been even better still. 
 She's napping almost 95% of the time in her crib (yay!). She's starting to get on a nap schedule, and she's been old enough to cry it out a little at night. This means she is sleeping a bit better at night, only waking 2-3 times. I love when sleep schedules start to formalize. It does crunch the time you can be out of the house, but it's so much easier to anticipate a baby's needs!

GOOOO Tigers!!!

She's rolling back to front and preferring to sleep on her tummy. If she was my first, I would flip her over every time I found her this way. Now I know that she's strong enough to get herself there and must be ok! And I've also learned to never wake a sleeping baby. 

She no longer stays where she's put. Somehow got all of the way off the mat. I know that this is just the begining of a mobile baby. I'm NOT ready for that!

5 months. October 23, 2015. 
She giggles and giggles and smiles and giggles. She loves to chew on crinkle toys, have books read to her, watch her big brother and sister, and listen to songs. 

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