Tuesday, December 27, 2011

To my dearest Owen, on your very first birthday

To my Dearest Owen, on your very first birthday,

You amaze me. I am so in love with you, I don't know how to describe it. I love to watch you learn, grow, laugh, explore, and love. I am just as enthralled with the new tricks you are learning as you are with learning them. I, of course, think you are the most handsome baby boy I have ever seen, and your giggles melt my heart. I've thoroughly enjoyed the last year with you, and I think most of all, parenting you has allowed me to understand how God loves us. Some days He must be at his wits end, using all of the patience He has, but He still loves us fiercely. Some days, He may not know why we make certain decisions, and we don't understand as He gently repeats 'No' over and over. It just takes repeated grace and constant love. When we are hurting or sick, He must be so upset that it brings Him to tears. I now better understand what 'unconditional' love means. I hope that He will provide me with grace daily, so that I can continue to parent you the way He parents us. I pray that some day you will get to know Him too.

Here's to many more adventures (and better naps) in your second year.

With my deep, and unconditional love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. Heather, this is such a sweet letter. I read it back when you posted it but had to read it again today...so full of love!!!
