Thursday, September 27, 2012

21 months: Sentences

Wow. It's been a big month!!!  I had a hard time figuring out what to title the 21 month post, but alas I think the most exciting development is O's ability to put phrases/sentences together. He greets many many things these days. 'Hi Mommy, Hi MiMa, Hi Bear, Hi Lawnmower, Bye Lawnmower', etc. I can not get enough of his sweet little voice.

Additional phrases: ' Love you Mommy, Love you Daddy (we are mommy and daddy now!), Papa, MiMa's house, MiMa's hair, Daddy work, Blue Car, Gold Car, etc.'

Also, he loves to add the adjective BIG to any word. He also raises his eyebrows when saying it... so we see LOTS of BIG cars, cucks (trucks), lawnmowers, choo choo tains, bapples (apple), bears, baseballs, etc.

He parrots everything we say, and now assigns a name to the type of truck he is looking at. Digger, Dump cuck, mixer, tow cuck, etc.

His language is developing so quickly that I feel like there isn't anything baby left about him. (He's not even signing anymore). FORTUNATELY he still calls fire trucks 'wee news' and airplanes 'cks'. We hope this sticks for a little while longer.

Some of my current favorite words:
Helicopter =Hel-i-HOP-ter (he accents the HOP)
Dinosaur = Tiny hore. (close, O, close)

Story time with Uncle Steven

Uncle Steven was so enamored with O after their story & play time that the next time he came over, he brought 12 new cars. SUPER exciting!

More cars to line up! ! ! ! ! !

He is big in to mimicking as well. He pretend mops, vacuums, wipes his nose & bottom, etc. He always puts the kleenex back after he wipes his nose. Very nice =)

 I found a great book at the library called 'Air Show'. The 2 weeks we had it, he and Mike spent a lot of time talking about the different models of airplanes. His favorite was the Warthog, or as Owen says, 'Hort Wog'. Turns out this book is $30 (what?!) on Amazon, so we'll be renting it from the library lots.

O loves to help in the kitchen. Here he is helping me 'stir' Aunt Lindsey's birthday cake.

Quintessentially Owen
Running the cars down the drain pipe... good idea!

He loaded his breakfast into the back of this truck... guess he wasn't really interested this day. You'll notice some hard boiled eggs. This is the first non-dairy protein I've been able to get down him in a looooong time. He still all but refuses meats & PB.

Ok I have a confession to make... this is how I get him to stay in one place while I shower, 12-13 minutes of Baby Einstein on You Tube. Works like a charm.
Daddy came home from the hardware store with this Lawnmower the other day. I am in love with the incentive it provides. I've been able to brush his teeth a lot more with the incentive of playing with the lawnmower.

I just love this litte shirt so I had to take a picture.

 We weren't able to use our full Museum of Transportation Groupon a few weeks ago, so we got to go back for the 'creation station' (ie a room full of 6 train tables) and the miniature train ride. 
Have I mentioned that he LOVES choo choo tains?

Ali- let's look for another groupon and have a play date with the boys at this museum!
In other news.......
  • Owen got to experience his first donut this month. It should come as no surprise that he was a total fan.
  • He's getting better with his spoon and fork, but this is still a work in progress
  • He has officially dropped a nap. I know, I know... he's 21 months old, and I am grateful for the verrrrrrry extended period of time that he took 2 naps, BUT his one nap a day is 60-90 minutes, and I'm in my 3rd trimester... I just need a little more rest ;)
  • He knows the numbers 2 & 4, and we are working on  1&3
  • He's been working on shapes (thanks to those 12 minute Baby Einstein clips), and he can appropriately identify oval, triangle, star, heart, moon, & circle.
  • He has no clue that he's about to be a big brother. I tried reading him some books about it, but he would much rather read his choo choo or 'wee new' books.
On that note... hopefully one of the next blog posts will be about the arrival of baby sister!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Growing like a Weed

Well we finally got to see her profile.... though if I was being totally honest, I would have to tell you that I can't make out a whole lot. A hand is on the left side of the picture right in front of her upper lip and nose.
Soon enough we'll get to see those gorgeous features on the outside.
Soon enough... but I think it will still be a bit. I'm now predicting an October baby, though my ' mother's intuition' isn't quite sure of the date yet.
So here is the GREAT news.... she is growing like a weed. She's gained approx 2 lbs in the last 4 weeks (right on target), and they approximate her at 7lb 5oz currently. The fluid surrounding her is adequate, and she is still floating... ie not interested at all in the birth canal..... ie it could still be a while before she comes.
I am thrilled that she's fine, and cozy. I am thrilled to not be induced... the Seattleite in me just wants nature to take it's course. I don't want to play God, I want to just let Him pick her birthday. I'm tired, yes, but I actually currently feel physically better than I have the majority of my pregnancy.
So, we wait. Praise God for good health.
I will say, however, that StL is expecting a series of T-Storms over the next few days, and if they change the barometric pressure enough to send me in to labor, I won't be sad.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

38: The week of the leek

I didn't get a leek this time, but I remember thinking it was so funny that at 38 weeks the baby is the length of a leek (19.5 inches) because you have so little bladder control at this stage.
Baby Girl updates: She has dropped some, but she's still 'floating'. I'm considerably smaller than I was with Owen at this stage & I'm measuring the same that I did 4 weeks ago. They are concerned about the growth of the baby/ level of amniotic fluid. I have an ultrasound tomorrow & if all isn't perfect, they'll induce me. Half of me would love to meet this little girl and be done with pregnancy, but the other half really really really does not want to be induced, and of course I don't want something to be wrong for this sweet little thing. we could have a baby this week, or we could keep waiting! I'll let you know. I've had lots of contractions all along, but I'm not progressing at all, so I am sure we'll still be waiting 1+ weeks if we don't get induced.
In other news, I finally found a cocktail to help my restless legs (they hurt so bad that it takes me HOURS to get to sleep at night). Anyway... I've read all of the old wives' tale remedies, and it seems that bananas + tonic water do the trick for me. Maybe this will help one of you in your next pregnancy!

38 Weeks Baby Girl
38 Weeks Owen


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spoiling Owen, Take 2

The spoiling Owen/ soaking up lots of family time events continue. The weather has cooled down a bit, and we are loving the onset of fall in St. Louis.
We caught another Cards game on 9/9. Owen didn't sit quite as well during this game, but a short intermission at Fredbird Field helped us get through most of 8 innings.

Last week Mike took Wed afternoon off (at my pleading... thanks, love!) because he was working the weekend. We had a Groupon to the Museum of Transportation, and since our O loves anything with a motor (where does he get that?), we thought it would be a great way to spend a sunny afternoon.

They had lots of life size/real choo choo 'tains'... currently Owen's favorite vehicle with a motor.
A big hit.

Owen loves trains so much that it might possibly be the theme of his 2nd birthday party. We still have several months to see if something new & exciting pops up, though.

Gear heads.

I adore this picture of my two loves.

How does this bell work, daddy?
On Sunday we convinced both MiMas and Papas to head over to Eckert's farm to do some apple picking.
Checking things out with Papa Cooper
Someone has two MiMas wrapped around his little fingers.

Someone has two Papas wrapped around his little fingers.

Like Papa, Like Grandson

Owen of course l.o.v.e.d. the tractor ride. The 'lack' of suspension spurred quite a few contractions for me, too! ha ha

O loved picking them up and throwing them in the bag. Picking from trees was a little more difficult.

But he got a tasty treat on the ride back.. daddy helped him get the apple started.

And soon he got it figured out for himself.

We couldn't let the spoiling stop at apple picking. We bought two tickets for him to ride some rides (a first). He picked the appropriate helicopter... go Navy. Again, like Papa, like grandson.

He also loved the 'train'. It went pretty quick, and I was afraid he would be scared.. but I had no reason to worry (like usual).
We are having a blast living at home and exploring our new city! Also.... the more we get out, the quicker these last few weeks of pregnancy will go =)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

35 & 36

35 Weeks Baby Girl

36 Weeks Baby Girl... I think she's dropped some.
36 Weeks with Owen. Somewhat reassuring that I looked as tired at 36 weeks of that pregnancy!
How far along? 36 weeks! I am going for a 9-29-12 delivery date, so that means only 20 days left. Ha! Baby is approx 19-22 inches and 6.5 lbs. Since she weighed 5.5lbs 2 weeks ago at the US, I am hoping for about 6.5 so that she's a nice average size at birth. 
Total weight gain: 22lbs (as of 2 weeks ago). I was up to 24lbs but I had lost 2 at my last appointment. This is due to the fact that she was REALLY high and in my stomach. I had no appetite and quite a bit of throwing up. Ack. I think she's dropped a bit now, and I feel so much better. There are also 4 flavors of ice cream in my freezer (they were on sale, ok!), so I am sure I'll be well beyond 24lbs at my appt on Thursday the 13th! 
Maternity clothes? I'm starting to grow out of a lot of my maternity clothes. The pants are getting a little snug in the hips & many shirts are no longer covering the belly!   
Stretch marks? Not that I can see!
Sleep? Nada.  And it's not even really the bladder this time. My legs are so achy and restless that it takes me 3-4 hours to FALL asleep. Once I actually get to sleep, I only wake up a few times to readjust. I also have issues with turning my mind off... and I have nothing going on that I need to be worrying about. I'm tired, but I know this is just prep!
Best moment this week (or two)? 
1. We closed on our condo! It's no longer hanging over our heads. We have no credit, but who needs credit?!
2. Celebrating our anniversary! My folks kept O overnight last weekend. Mike and I went shopping for our kiddos (we needed pink swaddle blankets after all), and then Sunday morning we had a DELICIOUS after-church brunch at a restaurant called 'Half and Half' in Clayton. On our actual anniversary we went out for pizza with O & today we celebrated with my folks at the Cards game. (Their 33rd anniversary was yesterday!). I will say we've also had lots of great time with Mike's family this weekend too, celebrating Lindsey's birthday and watching Livi play soccer!
Miss anything? Nah... though maybe a glass of wine would help me get to sleep?
Movement?  Yep... but still WAY WAY less than Owen. It still makes me nervous on a daily basis.
Food craving? Did I mention the 4 flavors of ice cream in the freezer? Edy's Espresso Chip is the new fave. It's amazing, and you should go buy some right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not any more! Thanks for dropping a bit baby girl! 
Labor signs? I have had Braxton-Hicks for weeks, but who knows if they are going to lead to a 39 week delivery....
Symptoms?  Nothing in addition to what I have already mentioned.... though my hips are starting to ache a bit (also leading me to think she's dropped a bit). 
Belly button in or out? Still pretty flat!
Wedding rings on or off? Totally off. I even have a few bigger rings reserved for this stage of pregnancy, but they are uncomfortable too, so I'm just not wearing anything.
Happy or Moody most of the time?  Yes. Even split.
Looking forward to?  Seeing her sweet little face & the color of her hair. I spent this week washing clothes, car seat covers, towels, etc and arranging drawers and the nursery closet. I just need to pack for the hospital and then she can come at any time.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spoiling Owen

Lately I've been lamenting the fact that my time with just Owen is very limited. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to welcome baby girl in to our family.... but I can't believe Owen won't be my baby any more! SO... we've been trying to do lots of fun (low cost) activities: parks, libraries, carousels, etc. We've also snuck in a few big events too like the Cards game, and a trip to the Magic House and the Zoo.
The Magic House is in South StL County, and it's enormous (!), but had an entire section full of activities for kiddos Owen's age.
As you can imagine, we spent a LOT of time in this section. He scooped, shoveled...

......lined up the trucks.

He put tennis balls in this contraption over and over again (it rings the bells as it slides down!) 

He climbed & crawled.

He played in water (how nice that they provide aprons!)

He drove a big milk truck.

He rang the bell of the
"choo choo tain".

......and slid down LOTS of slides.
MiMa insisted we end the day with some Fritz's frozen custard, and Owen and I didn't object one bit!

On Mike's birthday we attempted to go to church, but it turned out we both forgot to get shoes for Owen. We took it as a sign from God that we were just meant to go to the zoo that day!
Owen & Daddy watching the "choo choo tain" (he is loving choo choos these days).

I love this picture with Owen's hand wrapped around Daddy's back.

Since the zoo is free & parking is free (thanks to the Zoo membership my mom gave me for mother's day), Mike and I splurged on riding the choo choo. It was a whole $10. Owen LOVED the choo choo. He sat on the chair so still & looked all around.

When the train would stop to load more passengers, Owen would jump up and ask 'Pease'... please can we get going again mom? I love riding the train!

We had great animal sightings that day, too. The bears, elephants, & zebras were out, these rhinos made a great cameo, and we even saw two hippos swimming. It was amazing.
We're having a blast living in StL and enjoying all of the fun ways we can spoil Owen!